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Produkt zum Begriff Security:

  • Network Security Architectures
    Network Security Architectures

    Expert guidance on designing secure networks Understand security best practices and how to take advantage of the networking gear you already have Review designs for campus, edge, and teleworker networks of varying sizes Learn design considerations for device hardening, Layer 2 and Layer 3 security issues, denial of service, IPsec VPNs, and network identity Understand security design considerations for common applications such as DNS, mail, and web Identify the key security roles and placement issues for network security elements such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, VPN gateways, content filtering, as well as for traditional network infrastructure devices such as routers and switches Learn 10 critical steps to designing a security system for your network Examine secure network management designs that allow your management communications to be secure while still maintaining maximum utility Try your hand at security design with three included case studies Benefit from the experience of the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint Written by the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint, Network Security Architectures is your comprehensive how-to guide to designing and implementing a secure network. Whether your background is security or networking, you can use this book to learn how to bridge the gap between a highly available, efficient network and one that strives to maximize security. The included secure network design techniques focus on making network and security technologies work together as a unified system rather than as isolated systems deployed in an ad-hoc way.   Beginning where other security books leave off, Network Security Architectures shows you how the various technologies that make up a security system can be used together to improve your network's security. The technologies and best practices you'll find within are not restricted to a single vendor but broadly apply to virtually any network system. This book discusses the whys and hows of security, from threats and counter measures to how to set up your security policy to mesh with your network architecture. After learning detailed security best practices covering everything from Layer 2 security to e-commerce design, you'll see how to apply the best practices to your network and learn to design your own security system to incorporate the requirements of your security policy. You'll review detailed designs that deal with today's threats through applying defense-in-depth techniques and work through case studies to find out how to modify the designs to address the unique considerations found in your network.   Whether you are a network or security engineer, Network Security Architectures will become your primary reference for designing and building a secure network.   This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.

    Preis: 46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Network Security Auditing
    Network Security Auditing

    This complete new guide to auditing network security is an indispensable resource for security, network, and IT professionals, and for the consultants and technology partners who serve them.   Cisco network security expert Chris Jackson begins with a thorough overview of the auditing process, including coverage of the latest regulations, compliance issues, and industry best practices. The author then demonstrates how to segment security architectures into domains and measure security effectiveness through a comprehensive systems approach.   Network Security Auditing thoroughly covers the use of both commercial and open source tools to assist in auditing and validating security policy assumptions. The book also introduces leading IT governance frameworks such as COBIT, ITIL, and ISO 17799/27001, explaining their values, usages, and effective integrations with Cisco security products.  

    Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Designing Network Security
    Designing Network Security

    A practical guide to creating a secure network infrastructure Understand basic cryptography and security technologies Identify the threats and common attacks to a network infrastructure Learn how to create a security policy Find out how to recover from a security breach Study specific implementation scenarios for securing your network environment Learn about advances in security technologies Designing Network Security, Second Edition, is a practical guide designed to help you understand the fundamentals of securing your corporate network infrastructure. This book takes a comprehensive look at underlying security technologies, the process of creating a security policy, and the practical requirements necessary to implement a corporate security policy. You will gain a thorough understanding of basic cryptography, the most widely deployed security technologies, and key emerging security technologies. You will be able to guide the architecture and implementation of a security policy for a corporate environment by knowing possible threats and vulnerabilities and understanding the steps required to perform a risk management assessment. Through the use of specific configuration examples, you will learn about the features required in network infrastructure equipment to implement the given security policy, including securing the internal corporate infrastructure, Internet access, and the remote access environment. This new edition includes coverage of new security features including SSH on routers, switches, and the PIX(r) Firewall; enhancements to L2TP and IPSec; Cisco(r) LEAP for wireless networks; digital certificates; advanced AAA functionality; and Cisco Intrusion Detection System features and products. Additional practical examples include current security trends using VPN, wireless, and VoIP networking examples. This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press(r), which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.

    Preis: 39.58 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • DICOTA Security Zahlenschloss Austausch
    DICOTA Security Zahlenschloss Austausch

    DICOTA Universal Security Cable Lock 3 Austauschbare Köpfe für alle Steckplätze mit voreingestelltem Code. Perfekt geeignet für Unternehmen, die mit verschiedenen Geräten arbeiten. Dank des Sicherheits-Kombinationsschlosses mit austauschbarem T-Lock, Wege und Nano Kopf passt Ihr Schloss auf alle Geräte, die mit einem Antidiebstahl-Port ausgestattet sind. Einfach, bequem und effektiv. Dieses Schloss wird in einem übergeordneten Schließsystem verwendet, das dank eines voreingestellten Codes sowohl individuellen Nutzern als auch dem Systemadministrator Zugang gewährt. Der voreingestellte Code wird vor Auslieferung in das Schloss einprogrammiert, sodass der individuelle Nutzer es sofort verwenden kann, ohne zuerst eine neue Kombination festzulegen. - Schlösser / Stative Schlösser - DICOTA Security Zahlenschloss Austausch

    Preis: 40.59 € | Versand*: 0.00 €

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Security:

  • Network Security First-Step
    Network Security First-Step

    Network Security first-step Second Edition   Tom Thomas and Donald Stoddard   Your first step into the world of network security No security experience required Includes clear and easily understood explanations Makes learning easy   Your first step to network security begins here! Learn how hacker attacks work, from start to finish Choose the right security solution for each type of risk Create clear and enforceable security policies, and keep them up to date Establish reliable processes for responding to security advisories Use encryption effectively, and recognize its limitations Secure your network with firewalls, routers, and other devices Prevent attacks aimed at wireless networks   No security experience required!   Computer networks are indispensible, but they also are not secure. With the proliferation of security threats, many people and companies are looking for ways to increase the security of their networks and data. Before you can effectively implement security technologies and techniques, you need to make sense of this complex and quickly evolving world of hackers and malware, as well as the tools to combat them. Network Security First-Step, Second Edition explains the basics of network security in easy-to-grasp language that all of us can understand. This book takes you on a guided tour of the core technologies that make up and control network security. Whether you are looking to take your first step into a career in network security or simply are interested in gaining knowledge of the technology, this book is for you!  

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Microsoft Azure Network Security
    Microsoft Azure Network Security

    Master a complete strategy for protecting any Azure cloud network environment! Network security is crucial to safely deploying and managing Azure cloud resources in any environment. Now, two of Microsoft's leading experts present a comprehensive, cloud-native approach to protecting your network, and safeguarding all your Azure systems and assets. Nicholas DiCola and Anthony Roman begin with a thoughtful overview of network security's role in the cloud. Next, they offer practical, real-world guidance on deploying cloud-native solutions for firewalling, DDOS, WAF, and other foundational services all within a best-practice secure network architecture based on proven design patterns. Two of Microsoft's leading Azure network security experts show how to:Review Azure components and services for securing network infrastructure, and the threats to consider in using themLayer cloud security into a Zero Trust approach that helps limit or contain attacksCentrally direct and inspect traffic with the managed, stateful, Platform-as-a-Service Azure FirewallImprove visibility into Azure traffic with Deep Packet InspectionOptimize the way network and web application security work togetherUse Azure DDoS Protection (Basic and Standard) to mitigate Layer 3 (volumetric) and Layer 4 (protocol) DDoS attacksEnable log collection for Firewall, DDoS, WAF, and Bastion; and configure NSG Flow Logs and Traffic AnalyticsContinually monitor network security with Azure Sentinel, Security Center, and Network WatcherCustomize queries, playbooks, workbooks, and alerts when Azure's robust out-of-the-box alerts and tools aren't enoughBuild and maintain secure architecture designs that scale smoothly to handle growing complexity About This BookFor Security Operations (SecOps) analysts, cybersecurity/information security professionals, network security engineers, and other IT professionalsFor individuals with security responsibilities in any Azure environment, no matter how large, small, simple, or complex

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Home Network Security Simplified
    Home Network Security Simplified

    A straightforward, graphic-based reference for securing your home network  Set up a firewall Secure your wireless network Stop adware and spyware Keep your children safe from online threats Prevent a virus outbreak Avoid Internet scams  Phishing. Malware. Spyware. Trojan horses. Firewalls. Parental controls. If you have a home computer connected to the Internet, you need to understand these security terms. If that connection is high-speed (always on) or you run a wireless network, your need–your vulnerability–is that much greater. Now, with Home Network Security Simplified, you can get illustrated, easy-to-digest information written specifically for your needs.   For each class of security threat, Home Network Security Simplified provides a tutorial–including tricks and tools that hackers use, a primer on network security design fundamentals, and step-by-step instructions on implementing security solutions. The authors also offer tips for monitoring your network and show what to do in the event of a security breach. Specifically, you will learn how to: Home Network Security Simplified features engaging four-color illustrations throughout, as well as informative security tips and pointers to other resources for more advanced information. Use this book to find the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your home network and your information are secure.   Jim Doherty is the director of marketing and programs with Symbol Technologies’ industry solutions group. Prior to joining Symbol, Jim worked at Cisco Systems, where he led various marketing campaigns for IP telephony and routing and switching solutions. Jim has 17 years of engineering and marketing experience across a broad range of networking and communications technologies. Jim is a coauthor of the Networking Simplified series, including Cisco Networking Simplified, Home Networking Simplified, and Internet Phone Services Simplified. He is also the author of the “Study Notes” section of CCNA Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack (CCNA Self-Study, Exam #640-801), Second Edition. Jim is a former Marine Corps sergeant; he holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from N.C. State University and a master’s degree in business administration from Duke University.   Neil Anderson is the senior manager of enterprise systems engineering at Cisco Systems. Neil has more than 20 years of engineering experience including public telephone systems, mobile phone systems, Internet, and home networking. At Cisco, Neil’s focus is large corporate customers in the areas of routing and switching, wireless, security, and IP communications. Neil is a coauthor of the Networking Simplified series, including Home Networking Simplified and Internet Phone Services Simplified. Neil holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science.   This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press®, the only authorized publisher for Cisco Systems.  

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM)
    Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM)

    Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM) kaufen: Maximale Sicherheit für Ihre virtuellen Maschinen Die Sicherheit von virtuellen Maschinen ist ein zentraler Aspekt für Unternehmen, die in der heutigen digitalen Welt agieren. Cyberbedrohungen nehmen stetig zu und können schwerwiegende Folgen für Unternehmen haben. Hier kommt "Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM)" ins Spiel, eine leistungsstarke Sicherheitslösung, die speziell für virtuelle Umgebungen entwickelt wurde. Was ist Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM)? "Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM) kaufen" ist eine umfassende Sicherheitslösung, die speziell für den Schutz von virtuellen Maschinen entwickelt wurde. Sie bietet fortschrittliche Sicherheitsfunktionen, um Ihre VMs vor einer Vielzahl von Bedrohungen zu schützen, einschließlich Malware, Ransomware, Zero-Day-Exploits und mehr. Vorteile von Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM) 1. Mehrschichtige Sicherheit: Die Lösung bietet eine Kombination aus verschiedenen Sicherheitstechnologien, einschließlich Antivirus, Firewall, Intrusion Prevention und Anwendungskontrolle, um mehrschichtige Sicherheit für Ihre virtuellen Maschinen zu gewährleisten. 2. Automatisierte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen: Die Deep Security Suite nutzt automatisierte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, um verdächtiges Verhalten und Angriffe in Echtzeit zu erkennen und zu blockieren, ohne die Leistung Ihrer VMs zu beeinträchtigen. 3. Optimierung der Ressourcen: Die Lösung wurde speziell für virtualisierte Umgebungen entwickelt und nutzt Ressourcen effizient, um die Leistung Ihrer VMs zu maximieren. 4. Zentrale Verwaltung: Deep Security bietet eine zentrale Verwaltungskonsole, über die Sie alle Sicherheitsfunktionen Ihrer virtuellen Maschinen einfach überwachen und verwalten können. 5. Schutz vor Zero-Day-Bedrohungen: Die Lösung erkennt und blockiert Zero-Day-Bedrohungen mithilfe von Verhaltensanalyse und maschinellem Lernen, um Ihre VMs vor neuen und noch unbekannten Angriffen zu schützen. Wie kann "Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM) kaufen" Ihr Unternehmen schützen? Die Sicherheit Ihrer virtuellen Maschinen ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, da ein erfolgreicher Angriff schwerwiegende Folgen haben kann. Mit "Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM)" können Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf verschiedene Arten schützen: 1. Schutz vor Malware: Die Suite bietet Echtzeitschutz vor Malware und anderen Bedrohungen, um Ihre VMs sicher zu halten. 2. Verhinderung von Datenverlusten: Die Lösung verhindert den unbefugten Zugriff auf Ihre VMs und schützt sensible Daten vor Diebstahl oder Datenlecks. 3. Minimierung von Ausfallzeiten: Durch die proaktiven Sicherheitsmaßnahmen können potenzielle Bedrohungen frühzeitig erkannt und beseitigt werden, um Ausfallzeiten zu minimieren. 4. Schutz vor Exploits: Die Suite blockiert bekannte und unbekannte Exploits, um Schwachstellen in Ihren VMs zu schützen. Mit "Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM)" können Sie die Sicherheit Ihrer virtuellen Maschinen auf eine neue Stufe heben. Die umfassende Sicherheitslösung bietet mehrschichtige Sicherheit, automatisierte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und Schutz vor Zero-Day-Bedrohungen. Mit zentraler Verwaltung und effizienter Ressourcennutzung ermöglicht die Suite Unternehmen eine sichere und optimierte virtualisierte Umgebung. Also, warten Sie nicht länger und sichern Sie sich jetzt "Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM) kaufen", um Ihre virtuellen Maschinen vor den zunehmenden Cyberbedrohungen zu schützen und die Integrität Ihres Unternehmens zu bewahren. Systemanforderungen Um "Trend Micro Deep Security - Network Security - per Server (VM)" optimal nutzen zu können, müssen die folgenden Systemanforderungen erfüllt sein: Virtualisierung: VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix Hypervisor (früher XenServer) oder andere unterstützte virtuelle Umgebungen Unterstützte Betriebssysteme für die VMs: Windows, Linux, Unix Prozessor: 64-Bit-CPU mit 2 GHz oder höher RAM: Mindestens 4 GB RAM (Empfohlen: 8 GB oder mehr) Festplattenspeicher: Mindestens 2 GB freier Speicherplatz Netzwerk: TCP/IP-Netzwerkprotokoll Browser: Internet Explorer 11 oder höher

    Preis: 239.95 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Was verdient ein Security?

    Das Gehalt eines Security-Mitarbeiters kann je nach Erfahrung, Qualifikationen und Standort variieren. In Deutschland liegt das durchschnittliche Gehalt eines Security-Mitarbeiters zwischen 2.000 und 3.500 Euro brutto pro Monat. In einigen Fällen können auch Zuschläge für Nacht- oder Wochenendarbeit gezahlt werden.

  • Gibt Rewe Security Hausverbot?

    Ja, Rewe hat das Recht, Personen Hausverbot zu erteilen, wenn sie gegen die Hausordnung verstoßen oder anderweitig das Geschäft stören. Die Entscheidung liegt in der Regel bei der jeweiligen Filialleitung oder dem Sicherheitspersonal.

  • Was ist Brillstein Security?

    Brillstein Security ist ein renommiertes Sicherheitsunternehmen, das sich auf hochwertige Sicherheitsdienstleistungen spezialisiert hat. Das Unternehmen bietet maßgeschneiderte Sicherheitslösungen für verschiedene Branchen und Kunden an. Brillstein Security zeichnet sich durch professionell ausgebildetes Personal, innovative Technologien und einen umfassenden Ansatz für Sicherheit aus. Die Firma arbeitet eng mit ihren Kunden zusammen, um deren individuellen Sicherheitsbedürfnisse zu erfüllen und ein Höchstmaß an Schutz zu gewährleisten.

  • Was macht ein Security Manager?

    Ein Security Manager ist für die Planung, Implementierung und Überwachung von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in einem Unternehmen oder einer Organisation verantwortlich. Dazu gehört die Entwicklung von Sicherheitsrichtlinien, die Schulung von Mitarbeitern in Sicherheitsverfahren, die Überwachung von Sicherheitssystemen und die Reaktion auf Sicherheitsvorfälle. Der Security Manager arbeitet eng mit anderen Abteilungen zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Sicherheitsanforderungen erfüllt sind und die Unternehmensdaten und -ressourcen geschützt sind. Darüber hinaus führt der Security Manager regelmäßige Sicherheitsaudits durch, um potenzielle Schwachstellen zu identifizieren und zu beheben. Insgesamt ist der Security Manager dafür verantwortlich, die Sicherheit der Organisation zu gewährleisten und das Risiko von Sicherheitsvorfällen zu minimieren.

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